Does Dating Affect Alimony?

No one expects you or your former spouse to remain single forever after your divorce. Eventually, both of you will get back into the dating pool and find new partners. If one of you is receiving alimony, however, it is possible that dating may impact your ability to continue to receive these payments. Continue reading to find out more.

The Impact of Dating on Alimony

Simply dating someone new will not impact your ability to receive alimony. That said, there are some situations in which your relationship status may impact alimony, particularly when things become a bit more serious and you end up living with your new partner.

If you cohabitate with the new special person in your life, it will likely impact alimony.

Here are some questions that will have to be answered to assess if these payments should be terminated:

  • Do you and your partner live together?
  • Do the two of you contribute to household expenses?
  • Did you tell your friends and family about the relationship?
  • Do you and your partner have shared assets?
  • How long have you been together?

Even if you and your new partner do not live together, it is possible that the court may determine that you are cohabitating and that you should no longer receive alimony. Ultimately, this decision is based on whether a judge believes the relationship you are involved in is similar to a marriage.

If you get remarried, this has a more decisive impact on your alimony payments. A remarriage will generally result in the automatic termination of alimony.

Discuss Your Alimony Case with an Experienced Member of Our Team Today!

If you are currently receiving alimony and are you are involved in a new relationship, this could potentially affect your ability to continue receiving these payments. If you are unsure of the impact your relationship will have on alimony, the legal team at Arnel Law Firm can assist you. You can rely on our results-focused approach to help you navigate your case and ensure you fully understand your rights. Our attorneys have been assisting clients with these difficult matters since 1983 and have a history of successful results, so you can rest assured your case is in good hands with us.

Call our law office today at (718) 550-3024 to schedule an initial consultation with one of our attorneys to get started on your case and learn more about what we can do for you!
