How to Deal with the Psychological Effects of Divorce

Divorce is often a very difficult process. In general, it is the end of the life you have been living for many years and the beginning of something new. Dealing with such a drastic change is hard for most people and takes a toll both emotionally and financially. For example, having to make decisions regarding what to do with your home in Brooklyn will probably trigger any number of emotions.

The psychological effects of divorce might last for months or even years. However, by understanding some of these challenges, you can equip yourself to better deal with them. Below, we explore some of the psychological effects of divorce and how you can cope with them.


The most important thing you can do when it comes to handling the financial aspect of your divorce is to strategize. While you may not want to face the reality of the situation, ignoring your finances can seriously cost you, both during your divorce and after. Sit down and examine your situation, set some goals and make a plan.


While you should try to shield your children from the uglier parts of your divorce, you certainly should not check out as a parent altogether. Keep the channels of communication open so that they feel comfortable talking to you about how they feel about the changing situation. Answer their questions and be empathetic to their feelings.


Divorce usually sparks the various stages of grief. You might experience denial, anger, bargaining, depression and eventually acceptance. Be aware of where you are in the grieving process so that you can recognize and acknowledge your feelings. Remember that each person goes through these stages at their pace and in various orders. There is no set timeline as to when you should accept your new life, so do not put pressure on yourself to get over your divorce in six months.

If you are considering divorce, the above tips can help you deal with the psychological aspects. By understanding how your emotions might affect you, you can look at them from a more logical standpoint so that they do not dictate your decisions during the divorce process.
